An-Nas (Humankind)
The words of The Lord in Surah An-Nas
بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
(Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem )
1: قُل أَعوذُ بِرَبِّ النّاسِ
(Qul a'uzu birabbin naas)
2: مَلِكِ النّاسِ
(Malikin naas)
3: إِلٰهِ النّاسِ
(Ilaahin nas)
4: مِن شَرِّ الوَسواسِ الخَنّاسِ
(Min sharril waswasil khannaas)
5: الَّذى يُوَسوِسُ فى صُدورِ النّاسِ
(Alladzee yuwas wisu fee sudoorin naas)
6: مِنَ الجِنَّةِ وَالنّاسِ
(Minal jinnati wannaas)
English translation
Note: Ilaah means God. Whereas Raab means Lord.
What can we learn?
-Lord teaches us to seek protection in His Name. For the Lord is the Cherisher of Mankind. Our Protector. Here the word human or mankind is emphasized.
-Allah introduces Himself as King and God not only over us the believers but also over mankind as whole. Lord wants us to show us that He is the only God and Ultimate King over all, The King of kings. As in other passage in Holy Quran, we keep told that His kingdom is over heaven and the earth even anything inbetween.
-Here Lord teaches us to ask protections to Him only particularly in this surah from the whisperer. The whisperer here means satan. Satan whispher bad things unto human's heart because anything good or bad comes from heart. Satan in arabic comes from root word shatana that has meaning to rebel. The common form of satan we know is from the jinns kind, like Iblees (from word ablasa means evil) that is from jinns kind. Jinns in arabic means something unseen because human may not see them except by the decree of Allah our Lord. In this surah, it is explained that satan may comes from jinns or men. We understand that satan means someone who rebel (to God). We see that there are humans who are not act by Lord's statues even in bad or evil manners. Some of them try to intoxicate another human as well. That's why this "Whisperer" may come from menkind also. They may "whisper" evil things not only directly to us but also through medias like tv, radio, writings, or even web. That's why in this age we should ask protection and guidance our Lord the God of menkind from those evil things that try to devour us His servants.
Therefore, let us pray that Allah our only Lord and God may save us and deliver us from the evil and guide us through His chosen path until it all end Aameen.
Note: I am only the imperfect servant of the Lord. Thus, my works are imperfect too. All good things that written here are from Allah only. To Him only we ask for guidance and undertanding. All praise to Allah our Lord and our God.
بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
(Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem )
1: قُل أَعوذُ بِرَبِّ النّاسِ
(Qul a'uzu birabbin naas)
2: مَلِكِ النّاسِ
(Malikin naas)
3: إِلٰهِ النّاسِ
(Ilaahin nas)
4: مِن شَرِّ الوَسواسِ الخَنّاسِ
(Min sharril waswasil khannaas)
5: الَّذى يُوَسوِسُ فى صُدورِ النّاسِ
(Alladzee yuwas wisu fee sudoorin naas)
6: مِنَ الجِنَّةِ وَالنّاسِ
(Minal jinnati wannaas)
English translation
- Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,
- The King (or Ruler) of Mankind,
- The *Allah (for judge) of Mankind,-
- From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper),-
- (The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,-
- Among Jinns and among men.
Note: Ilaah means God. Whereas Raab means Lord.
What can we learn?
-Lord teaches us to seek protection in His Name. For the Lord is the Cherisher of Mankind. Our Protector. Here the word human or mankind is emphasized.
-Allah introduces Himself as King and God not only over us the believers but also over mankind as whole. Lord wants us to show us that He is the only God and Ultimate King over all, The King of kings. As in other passage in Holy Quran, we keep told that His kingdom is over heaven and the earth even anything inbetween.
-Here Lord teaches us to ask protections to Him only particularly in this surah from the whisperer. The whisperer here means satan. Satan whispher bad things unto human's heart because anything good or bad comes from heart. Satan in arabic comes from root word shatana that has meaning to rebel. The common form of satan we know is from the jinns kind, like Iblees (from word ablasa means evil) that is from jinns kind. Jinns in arabic means something unseen because human may not see them except by the decree of Allah our Lord. In this surah, it is explained that satan may comes from jinns or men. We understand that satan means someone who rebel (to God). We see that there are humans who are not act by Lord's statues even in bad or evil manners. Some of them try to intoxicate another human as well. That's why this "Whisperer" may come from menkind also. They may "whisper" evil things not only directly to us but also through medias like tv, radio, writings, or even web. That's why in this age we should ask protection and guidance our Lord the God of menkind from those evil things that try to devour us His servants.
Therefore, let us pray that Allah our only Lord and God may save us and deliver us from the evil and guide us through His chosen path until it all end Aameen.
Note: I am only the imperfect servant of the Lord. Thus, my works are imperfect too. All good things that written here are from Allah only. To Him only we ask for guidance and undertanding. All praise to Allah our Lord and our God.
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